Belgian Journal of Paediatrics
Surgical treatment for infantile spasms (West syndrome): a case report




infantile spasms
West syndrome
pediatric brain tumor


How to Cite

Van Gaver, J., Sculier, C., Lebrun, L., Racu, M. L., Salmon, I., Dewitte, O., Boitsios, G., Van Bogaert, P., & Aeby, A. (2023). Surgical treatment for infantile spasms (West syndrome): a case report. Belgian Journal of Paediatrics, 23(1), 76–78. Retrieved from (Original work published April 12, 2021)


We report the case of a 10-month-old boy with developmental regression, symmetrical flexion spasms and hypsarrhythmia, characteristic of West syndrome. Brain magnetic resonance imaging showed an expansive entorhinal and right parahippocampal lesion. A right temporal lobectomy was performed. Pathological examination showed the presence of a low-grade oligodendrocyte-like glioneuronal tumor with a BRAF V600E genetic variant.

Our case highlights the role of the BRAF V600E genetic variant in the development of this refractory epileptic syndrome. In addition, it shows that surgery offers a potentially curative treatment for epilepsy in the subgroup of children with a focal brain lesion.